I was recollecting what has been the stupidest thing I have done ..well this definitely takes the cake.
I was to travel to Chennai frm Blore by Brindavan express.Being quite new to the city and its traffic,I thought that it would take me just about an hour and a half to get to the catonment station from E-city.(I can already hear the smirks...)So owing to my faith in bangalore's traffic and lack of it for the Indian Ralways I ended up stuck in the traffic about 5 kms away from the station with about 10 mins left for the train's departure.during the drive I was repeatedly asking the auto driver if I would make it and the sweet soul was repeatedly reassuring me, upto the point when he realized that only a gloomy prophecy would shut me up.So he turned back and said,no chance!! and I was shocked into silence!I reached the station about a minute before the train was to depart.And i had to run up and down the overwalk to reach the platform.Even with only a few seconds to spare,I couldnt bring myself to just get into the train, I had to get into MY coach, so I ran down the platform and actually got into the coach just as it started moving..Too bad there was no "Raj" to pull me into the train like in DDLJ :-(.Actually, even if there was I would have probably managed to pull him out and then the story would have been a tragedy even before it started ;-)..So I managed to get into the right coach and found my seat and collapsed into it and was gasping for breath.After a few minutes a crazy thought occurred to me and I abruptly turned to the old man sitting next to me and asked "Is this Brindavan Express?" He didnt even have to answer the question, his expression said it all.Wat he thought of me,which he tried very hard to disguise by nodding patiently was probably... "Top storey empty" :-)