To my 'bouncing wall' , Yamuna, who listens to everything i have to say about everything, makes sense of my rambles, knows wat i am thinking before i even voice it, Thanx for everything so far, much more coming your way!!! ;-)
My 'alter ego' , pranati ( thats a huge compliment i just gave myself ;-) ), miss all the fun days of discussing crushes, cycling all over adyar/kottur, perk addictions, and then the wunderful time wen v were roomies in hyd, that was simply awesome!! Miss all the spiritual and 'other' discussions, but I kno u r just a phone call away!!!
My 'cuzin cum paati cum confidante cum dictator' ;-) Renu, who i have known all my life, who is nethng but a kid sister who on the contrary looks out for me , luv the 'fun' times as well all those arguments (esp the 'good looking' debate ;-) ) . Hey BTW, wens the next home cooked 5 course meal planned????
thanks you guys for just being you!!
P.S : I am not going away to a 'better ' place or nething. Just suffering from Insomnia which has driven me to do a lot of reminiscing!!!!
aww.. much louvs.. drink waterburys and keep warm :D urulai kezhangu.. and I still think someone should actually LOOK good to be considered good looking :P
Yes madam! Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder though!
awww... cho chweet sandy! I miss all those good times..maybe I should take this opportunity to name all your crushes here ;)
My last few months at Hyd were so memorable thanks to you! Trips to Charminar, Have more, Dadus, Nanking, general bazar etc etc...so much fun!
Thanks for being there for me always babe :))lotsa love
Hey thanx!
no way!! taking names wud be disastrous!!
and yes i can go on and on about the time in hyd and more so about the time at school!!! luved those days!!!soooper fun!!
Luv ya!
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